Marinated Lamb or Calf Brains in Tomato Sauce – El Mokh Mchermel
A traditional Moroccan offal dish of marinated lamb or calf brains cooked in tomato sauce. It’s especially popular during Eid al Adha.
A traditional Moroccan offal dish of marinated lamb or calf brains cooked in tomato sauce. It’s especially popular during Eid al Adha.
Mchermel is one of the primary cooking styles in Moroccan cuisine. Mchermel dishes make use of a marinade to flavor ingredients as well as the sauce in which they’re cooked.
Moroccan Potato Salad with Chermoula is called Batata Mchermla. It’s one of my favorite starters to prepare because I can also serve it as a …
Moroccan eggplant (aubergine) in chermoula or Bdenjal Mchermel is an easy cooked salad or side dish which can be made ahead of time and served later. It’s …
Carrots, commonly known in Morocco as khizzou or zroudia, are widely used in Moroccan cooking, ranging from starters to juices to main dishes. This cooked carrot salad …